Carbon Monoxide
Alphasense Carbon Monoxide gas sensors operate using proven fuel cell technology.
Sensors are available in the following sizes:
A: 20mm diameter, the industry standard size for portable gas detectors
B: 32mm diameter package, the best choice for fixed site applications
C: 20mm diameter with extra height for additional filter material when measuring combustion gases
D: miniature, with proven long-term performance. Sensors for the next generation of portable gas detectors
The Alphasense family of CO sensors have proven themselves in the field with long term stability and reliable operation, well beyond the two-year warranty, using our patented electrode technology. The ‘X’ sensors have low hydrogen sensitivity, as drop-in replacements for the standard ‘F’ sensors.
Data sheets
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CO-D4 | Miniature, filtered | Data Sheet | |
CO-CX | Combustion, low hydrogen cross sensitivity | Data Sheet | |
CO-CF | Combustion, filtered | Data Sheet | |
CO-CE | Combustion, high concentration | Data Sheet | |
CO-BX | Compact, low hydrogen cross sensitivity | Data Sheet | |
CO-BF | Compact, filtered | Data Sheet | |
CO-B4 | Compact, 4-electrode, low ppb | Data Sheet | |
CO-AX | Small, low hydrogen cross sensitivity | Data Sheet | |
CO-AF | Small, filtered | Data Sheet | |
CO-AE | Small, filtered, high concentration | Data Sheet | |
CO-A4 | Small, 4-electrode, low ppb | Data Sheet | |