1. 元素分析范圍從鉀(K)到鈾(U)(Elements can be analyzed from Potassium (K) to uranium (U) );
2. 元素含量分析范圍為1 PPm到99.99%(Analysis contents of elements from 1 ppm to 99.9%);
3. 測量時間:60-200秒(Testing time : 60-200 seconds);
4. RoHS指令規(guī)定的有害元素(限Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br)檢測其限度*高達1PPM;( The limited detection hazardous elements(only aim at Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br) up to 1PPM )
5. 多次測量重復性可達0.1%(總熒光強度);The measurement repeatability on many occasions up to 0.1%。(all intensity of fluorescence)
6. 長期工作穩(wěn)定性為0.1%;(總熒光強度)Long-term working stability being 0.1%.(all intensity of fluorescence)
7. 能量分辨率為165±10電子伏特( Energy resolution :165±10EV ) ;
8. 溫度適應(yīng)范圍為15℃至30℃ (Temperature of suitability from 15 °C to 30 °C );
9. 電源:交流220V±5V;(建議配置交流凈化穩(wěn)壓電源。)Power supply. AC 220 V ± 5 V;( AC purified stabilized voltage power supply is suggestion)
10.相互獨立的基體效應(yīng)校正模型( The correction model of relative independent matrix effect );
11.多變量非線性回歸程序 ( Mriate nonlineartly recycle program );
12.任意多個可選擇的分析和識別模型 (Arbitrary optional analysis and identification model );
13.一次可同時分析24個元素 (A simultaneous analysis of 24 elements )。
X熒光光譜儀適用于化學工業(yè)無機有機制品、化學纖維、催化劑、涂料、顏料、 藥品、化妝品、洗滌劑等產(chǎn)品分析。